Alexandra Midal  

Tutor Team:

Vivien Philizot, Sébastien Quequet, Pascal Rousseau 


Tutor Team:

Noam Toran, Ruedi Baur, Dominic Robson, Mathieu Bassée 

Jury President:  
Jurgen Bay 

Photography Credits: Dylan Perrenoud 

Alexandra Midal, Marguerite Humeau, Dylan Perrenoud, Rosario Hurtado, Dominic Robson, Ruedi Baur   

Noam Toran, Etienne Mineur, James Auger, El Ultimo Grito, Arno Mathies,  Tristan Kobler 

M2 Student :

Shaima Abdelazim, Lucas Bertinotti, Anastasia Karpova, Céline Mosset, Annja Müller, Agathe Pautrot, Anne-Sophie Richard, Fabio Stafanoni, Monika Steiger, Saskia Zürcher 

M1 Student :

Ghida Bahsoun, Julian Baiamonte, Shu-Hua Chang, Katarina Dacic, Marine Girard, Barbara Jenny, Laura Loyola, Sara Madrane, Kaisli Oksa, Emma Pflieger, Ingrid Rousseau 




Ventura Lambrate, 14-19 April 2015, Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano


A project conceived by Alexandra Midal and realized during the course of a workshop directed by Mathieu Bassee with the participation of Marco Borraccino, and scenography realised under the direction of Noam Toran and Arno Mathies and graphics by Ruedi Baur. 

The students of the MA Space and Communication worked on all these components for an exhibition that included work from students across the HEAD programs. Work by students from Interior Architecture, Fashion Design, Jewelry and Accessories, Media Design, and Space and Communication was exhibited that explore the relationship between humans and animals and the way that relationship molds our material environment. 

Every project was constructed in the school’s ateliers. 

Alexandra Midal

Tutor Team:
Mathieu Bassee, Marco Borraccino, Ruedi Baur, Noam Toran, Arno Mathies

Student Team:
Jennifer Berger, Charlyne Boulet & Virginie Taché, HElen Rosset, Louise Porsche, Malou Siegfried & Gabriella Montenejo, Roland Kawczynski-Pillonel, Rémi Galtier, Mathilde Porté et Victor Prieux, Hongmeng Luo & Junhan Xiao, Antoine Guay & Jessica Brancato, Marc Eicher, Sarah Bounab & Paul Pourcelot, Jessica Dubochet, Jennifer Berger, Julien Baiamonte, Maelis Parison, Fallon Lok & Joséphine Mass, Océane Izard, Noémie Nivelet, Vanesa Lorenzo Toquero, Gaspar Reverdin, Clémence Censi

© HEAD - Genève, Dylan Perrenoud, https://www.hesge.ch/head/en/project/animal-party