Wendy Gaze — Heroic Simulator
Now, you are the hero! Heroic Simulator is a series of nine interactive devices allowing recreating the experience of space as lived by cinema heroes, including iconic scenes of ‘flying’ from Titanic, bullet time from The Matrix and the rose petals in American Beauty. Each simulator is accompanied by a manual and acting script for staging and the role that the user must play. Heroic Simulator #1 I’m Flying allows the user to imagine experiencing the famous scene from James Cameron's Titanic, ascending a high structure that leans you forward with outstretched arms. The fun and humour of projecting yourself into an iconic scene that is and crucially isn’t reproduced by the mechanical device and everyday setting symbolically enacts gestures of everyday heroism emerging in real life.
Heroic Simulator —
001 I’m Flying
002 Rainy
003 Roberto, mio palmo!
004 Il bueno
005 Bullet time
006 Punching time
007 Eros y thanatos
008 Day dream
009 Malkovich
Wendy Gaze — Heroic Simulator
Vous êtes désormais un Héro ! Heroic Simulator* est une série de 9 dispositifs qui reproduit des scènes cultes du cinéma de manière immersive. Ainsi l’utilisateur de ces machines peut incarner et revivre au choix des extraits tels que : « Flying » de Titanic, « Bullet time » de Matrix ou encore « rose Petals » de American Beauty.
À chaque simulateur correspond un mode d'emploi dirigiste, faisant office de script pour la mise en scène. Cette suite d'instructions inculque le rôle que l'usager doit jouer pour en devenir le héros.
Heroic Simulator —
001 I’m Flying
002 Rainy
003 Roberto, mio palmo!
004 Il bueno
005 Bullet time
006 Punching time
007 Eros y thanatos
008 Day dream
009 Malkovich
Further reading: