Metahaven workshop

(Digital) Time, (Digital) Place is an assignment to create a five-minute moving image piece from a very specific, and limited, starting point. A moment, and/or a place which become the beginning of a trajectory. In an age where everyone can produce video, and CGI makes everything possible visually, limitations somehow become crucial again. We are inviting students to “sense” what kind of subject matter they are investigating instead of pre-reasoning about their concept and thus what their video should be. At the same time, no place or time exists in isolation as points in both are linked spatially and temporally to other places and times, which can be expanded upon in a visual piece. So, we are not talking about a genius loci, but simply about the possibility of encountering, sensing, a place or time and its external links. 




(Digital) Time, (Digital) Place, 2018


Emma Pflieger 

Films by:
Amandine Lecuyer
Cecilia Aubouy
Claire Terraillon
Elena Galleani-Dagliano
Fatou Drave
Johan Rosset
Jozef-Eduard Masarik
Margaux Janin
Maximilien Pellegrini
Pau Saiz
Philomene Le Baron
Samy Bouard-Cart
Seda Turk
Segolene Nicolazic
Sulliane Bressoud
Valentine Clot