Jessica-Maria Nassif — Mix, Match and Start from Scratch

Jessica-Maria Nassif’s performance raises consciousness on audio surveillance. Oblivious in global awereness, audio surveillance is just as much a threat as visual and data surveillance. It might actually be an even bigger threat, because it is invisible. We’re surrounded by microphones in our daily lives: all our conversations, our voices, even the way we speak can be collected, analysed and retained.

In her performance, Nassif brings you the year 2020, where she speculates that this phenomenon has already happened: Our phones and all our smart devices have created a new intelligence listening landscape, and every word has consequences.

About the performance

It also highlights humans’ dependent relationship with algorithmic governance technology. Nassif’s performance is dismantling the mechanism, tearing off the decor and revealing the machinery to find ways of tricking it. In the space, the unavoidable disembodied intelligence is represented by the phone, always present and recording every audio source, projecting on the screens. Using an app called “speechy”, every word of the performance is converted to text in real time, by working with Apple’s artificial intelligence, Siri.


Jessica-Maria Nassif — Mix, Match and Start from Scratch

A l’heure où l’humanité atteint un niveau de connection sans précédent, Jessica-Maria Nassif interroge l’utilisation inévitable du contrôle sonore via les outils technologiques intelligents. Encore négligée, cette surveillance constitue pourtant une menace aussi grande que la surveillance vidéo ou celle des données.

Constamment entourés de microphones, l’humain subit aujourd’hui une analyse omniprésente et constante de leurs conversations et de leurs voix, pour que ces données soient ensuite archivées et stockées.

Cette installation interactive envisage un monde dans lequel l’être humain est toujours plus dépendant de la technologie et où chaque mot prononcé, chaque conversation engagée, engendre des conséquences… Mix Match and Start from Scratch est une performance désorientante, visant à sensibiliser le public à ce danger invisible et pourtant croissant.


Mix, Match and Start from Scratch

Time of the performance:
15 min

Size of the piece:
L 540 x P 580 x H 250 cm

Transparent orange Diecut Vynil Floor 4 iPhones with the integrated Application Speech to Text Speechy. Each iphone screen is projected on a Television screen holded by a stand.

Audio sources:
2 portable speakers BOOM and 2 speakers linked to a mixing table, a looper and two microphones. 

There is also a performance Appendix printed both sides. Size 29,7x18 cm and folded in three.

All the elements are tailor-made by Jessica-Maria Nassif.


Jan 2020 — Invited student, Art Summit Verbier, Switzerland
Dec 2019 — "Mix, Match and Start from Scratch" at Crafting a Sonic Urbanism : The political Voice, Paris - France http://theatrum-mundi.org/programme/lavoixpolitique/
Nov 2019 — “The Rolling Trojans” winner of the Prix d’Excellence Hans Wilsdorf with Trojans Collective Geneva - Switzerland
Oct 2019 — “The Woven House” Winner of Ab Rogers + Wonderfruit Festival competition with Trojans Collective, Pattaya - Thailand https://wonderfruit.co/experience-design-competition/
Sept 2019 — "Mix, Match and Start from Scratch" at Art & Performances, Château de Vullierens - Switzerland http://artandperformances.ch
Sept 2019 — Making Futures Summer School, Berlin - Germany https://www.making-futures.com
Jul 2019 — “Beverly Hills Bermuda Triangle” at the Avanca Film Festival, Avanca - Portugal http://www.avanca.com/?q=en/node/271
Jun 2019 — Cofounder of Trojans Collective with Helena Bosch Vidal, Jeanne Pasquet and Netillo Rojas www.trojanscollective.com
Sept 2018 — “Beverly Hills Bermuda Triangle” part of the Invisible Film Program at SALT, Istanbul - Turkey http://aschoolofschools.iksv.org/en/#section-eventslink,events,40816,en,OTHER

This project was realised at the Head University, under the tutorship of Maarten Gielen.

Special Thanks to:
James Auger, Simon Aylin, Yair Barelli, Enrique Corrales, El Ultimo Grito, Mota Elb, Dina El Khouri, Rania Firzli, Youmna Geday, Maarten Gielen, Felicien Goguey, Oliver Graney, Laura Haensler, Rita Hajj, Thea Hallak, Maryse Hatem, Yasmina Hatem, Margaux Janin, Arno Mathies, Claire Michel De Hass, Celia Nassif, Melissa Nassif, Emma Pflieger, Xavier Plantevin, Laura Potter, Noam Toran, Seda Türk, Dominic Robson, Sergio Streun, Maki Suzuki, Elodie Wismer, Mathias Zieba and Sebastien Zurfluh.

Photo credits:
© HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon, © Jessica-Maria Nassif, © Melissa Nassif


@jessicamarianassif (instagram)